Wow, can we somehow prevent ourselves from getting cancer? I'd really like to find out!
Lets research and explore this.
So, cancer comes from mutations in our genes (DNA). According to a mutation is simply a change in our DNA. What causes this change? This change or mutation occurs for two reasons. Lets see below.
Firstly, this change can happen through the standard DNA replication process which happens normally during cell growth or through the repair of damaged cells.
Secondly, mutation of cells occur through environmental factors such as cigarette smoke, chemicals, lack of exercise, too much sunlight or radiation.
According to there are mutations that are passed on genetically in the egg and sperm of the parents but this is far more rare. The other type of mutation that occurs in cells does not pass on.
Mutations are genetic data that is deleted from the DNA strand, added or substituted. Mutations are permanent changes that remain after the cell tries to correct itself and repair its damage but has failed to do so.
The key for a mutation not to occur is for the cells to correct it before it becomes a fixed thing. Cells have a process of checking and correcting anything that is incorrect.
So does food choices and exercise factor into cells correcting itself?
Based on a nutrition journal of the US National Library of Medicine, a cross-section study of males and females was conducted to determine the impact of a healthy diet of fruits, vegetables and whole grains with low intake of processed grains would have on how genes were expressed.
the cross-study also looked comparatively at diets high in processed grains, sweets, deserts and meats as well.
Gene expression is a process of reading information in the cells to determine what will be produced
The particular cross-study relates to how the diet that was consumed impacted gene expression and how it related to immune and/or inflammatory response, cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
The nutrition journal goes on to determine that diet has been linked to death relating to cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
So, the conclusion is that diet and exercise makes a difference in reducing the risk of cancer and other diseases. Being aware of the impact that certain environmental factors and radiation has also makes a difference as to helping us understand that we have a hand in preventing cancer in our lives.
We should do whatever we can.
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