Scores of women in relationships, trying to understand what their man wants and needs, are always on the lookout for more juicy insights into the heart and mind of men to make that love amazing! Here are some things you should totally be aware of that just may surprise you!
I'll jump right in with the firecracker. Just because a man tries to initiate sex very early on in the relationship doesn't mean that's what he truly wants. I know, confusing, right? Yes, he feels the desire and is attracted to you but if he's looking for "the one" to settle down with, he doesn't want to feel as if you're "easy". Therein lies his conflict.
Here's the thing! When a man truly cares about you and respects you he won't want to make you feel like trash because you said you wanted to take things slow. If he does, take your red flag with gratitude and run!
This next point may be surprising because a man would hardly mention it, but men want and need to hear words of encouragement and support from you. Even if you have to sit and think about it, find some honest things to genuinely compliment him on.
Guess what?! Complimenting or thanking him or when he is honest or vulnerable with you or finally does something you've been wanting him to do reinforces that high quality behavior and makes him happy! Your genuine gratitude and/or compliment will go a long way towards increasing the love between the two of you!
Here's a zinger! Men actually like when other men find you attractive. I know, right! They'll probably never admit it out in the open but in the back of their minds, other men finding you attractive is just confirmation that they made a great choice. It ups your "cred" in their eyes - it is what it is!
Here's one, many women don't think about, that men want to feel safe in the relationship too. He doesn't want to be the only one wearing his heart on his sleeve. He wants you to express how much you like him too and create that safe space for affection and intimacy between the two of you. Guess what? Men also want to feel a sense of connection to the woman they love and they want it reciprocated creating a secure bond of love between the two of you.
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